The prices result out of the carried length and will be calced per kilometer. The carried length will be determined by the current version of the "map&guide"-software. Arising expences like street royalties, road- or tunnelcharges and ferry costs must be paid by the costumer. We are specialists in finding fast and smart solutions for carriing your goods. Please contact us for further information and special offers! |
Packages, boxes, cases and letters Average velocity: 170 km/h Maximum load: 300 kg Price per kilometer: 0,60 Ct/km |
Number of paletts: max. of 2 (no stacking) Average velocity: 140 km/h Maximum load: 500 kg Price per kilometer: 0,68 Ct/km |
Number of pallets: max. of 8 (only stacked) Average velocity: 120 km/h Maximum Load: 1250 kg Price per kilometer: 0,75 Ct/km |